Tag: Mantis Style

螳螂躥林 Spurting through the Forest


崩步 Avalanche



張熙政1 傳統的「七長八短」 陳雲濤在《螳螂拳略論中》説道:「通背拳為七長之拳,而螳螂拳則七長八短,長短俱備,八剛十二柔,剛柔相濟,為短打之絕妙好拳」2。馬漢清在〈淺談螳螂拳的七長八短、八剛十二柔〉中提出長拳短打並不能計量區分,「七長八短」也無法精確說明,所以有「長拳即短打,短打即是長拳」之說,然後他再具體説明何謂「七長八短」3。 所謂的「七長」:

Seal, Binding Throw 掛印捆摔

This is a compound technique with two disticnt phases. A “combo” would be a combination of moves on within the same movement range, say, punching or kicking range, but a compound is a combination of two or more techniques across the spectrum, for example, move from striking to grappling range.

First initiate with Seal, if the opponent fail to defend, it will then be just a hit. Should the opponent deflect the incoming Seal by pushing your arm towards his inside line, you can then cut to and bind the inside of his arm and perform a Binging Throw. Other techniqies can also be used depending on your arm’s position and if the opponent resists your throw. The binding throw is very similar to the Cracking Whip, min. (小摔鞭) in wrestling; the difference being the holding position of the opponent’s arm.

We can learn improvisation by practising compound techniqes as they emphasise on body movement and awareness across the range instead of just trying to strike standing on the same spot.



Class Note No. 3

We are continuing our current theme of initial engagement then proceed to wrestling or grappling immediately.

This is a very fundamental concept to be instilled, as it helps the students understand why it is important to connect to the opponent and how to move across different measures.

If we only learn how to strike or wrestle, it would be very easy to be stuck when the opponent moves in and out of that particular measure, and you would be open for a counter. Connectivity helps us shorten our action cycle and keep the action flowing to maintain the initiative.

Class Note No.1

Action 1:

A typical Mantis “Chaotic Fury” with multiple hits along and across different lines and directions in a burst. Strikes turn to grapples and grapples turn to strike.

Action 2:

Right hook to his left, cross and hitting his right ear without turning the wrist. Could turn this into an eye-sweep or a backfist.

Action 3:

Backfist. Pressure and misdirection on his left to get in from the right. His right arm lets go, and the backfist follows immediate to get into his cycle.